Jay was sick, but a very good sport. He even posed for pictures for me before the ballet began! Isn't he handsome?
Monday, December 29, 2008
The Nutcracker
Jay was sick, but a very good sport. He even posed for pictures for me before the ballet began! Isn't he handsome?
Christmas baking
Every year, one of the traditions Jason and I have is baking cookies. This first started with my college roommate, Danielle. I am very happy to continue this tasty tradition. Now, Jay helps me bake the cookies and we distribute them to our co-workers. This year we made brownies, orange-cranberry bread, linzer bars, peanut butter gingerbread, and others. Jay also made a roast for his office Christmas party.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Turkey Trot
For Thanksgiving this year we had planned a large dinner at the home of our friends Alias and Helen. Because several pies were involved, Jay wanted to workout. On Turkey Day. So, I signed us up for our first race, a 5K in Long Beach, CA called the Turkey Trot. The race started at 9:30, so we showed up bright and early to pick up our numbers and our T-shirts.
This is Jay in his number, looking very handsome if I do say so myself!
I ran also, and here I am in my number. As soon as we started the race, Jay had to stop for a bathroom break. I waited for him, and when we began running again he promptly took off like a shot and left me. He waited further down the beach, and we finished the race together. We crossed the finish line at just under 40 minutes, holding hands! It was a great way to start off the holiday. The race raised over $120,000 for local charities, and had over 4500 runners. Below is a shot of the crowd at the start line:
We then headed home for a nap (Helen had banned all grumpy people from attending dinner), cooking, and then a great time with our hosts and friends. Thanks to Helen and Alias for hosting the event, and to Gil, Alex, Jenny, and Dan for the wonderful food and fun! We hope all our friends and family we couldn't be with also had a great Thanksgiving. And congrats to my Aunt Faye for surviving her bout of appendicitis and emergency surgery.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tales from the bus, part deux
We have had a lazy few weeks, not doing much besides working and cleaning the apartment. The fires are again quite bad, but we are out of harm's way. Besides all the smoke in the air and trying to help those who were affected, we have not had any problems. So I thought I would give you another sampling of bus stories.
I've had two "screamers" in the past few months. The first one was panhandling as I got on the bus. Since Jay was kind enough to get me an iPod, I mostly just listen to it to drown out all the crazies. So I didn't realize at first that he had ask me for money (rather, mumbled at me for money) so I sat down in the seat across the aisle. He was dressed all in black, eyes dilated, and rather scruffy. As I sat down, I pulled out my cell phone to text Jay and let him know I was on my way to work. The dude immediately started screaming at me, "Are you calling your f*@%$in' credit card?!" over and over again. I kept ignoring him, and he finally got off a stop or two later.
The second screamer was on a trip home. I again was wearing the iPod, but the battery was dead. Nevertheless, it makes me more comfortable ignoring people when I have it on, so I was wearing it. I had sat in the first seats on the bus, near the driver, facing forward. Dude gets on, and starts an argument with the bus driver, since he does not have the fare. The drivers here are incredibly patient, and will often let you ride without fare if you give a good sob story and aren't obnoxious. While obnoxious, the guy was flashing a hospital ID bracelet and claiming to have just been discharged minus his wallet. Okay, bus driver lets him on. He sits in the seats directly in front of me, however these seats face to the side and he can turn and look at me. Which he does. He then begins a very loud rant about being forcibly admitted to the hospital, but he told "those f*@%ers he was not staying, he was leaving," etc. The story continues at the top of his lungs, profanity included, the entire time he is on the bus, which isn't long because the bus driver put him out a few stops later. A lady across the aisle then slides into the seat next to me, and all the way to my stop proceeds to complain to me about people on the bus who cannot behave, and try to make you listen to them even if you don't want to. Yes, I am still wearing my iPod...
Today's dude was at least funny. He showed up at the bus stop this morning, singing at the top of his lungs. When someone looked at him, he screamed at them, "Yeah, I know I'm off-key! I've been off-key all my life, motherf*@$er!!" He didn't get on the bus, luckily, he went into the McDonald's, still singing. I don't know if they threw him out, as the bus appeared just moments later. Always something on public transportation!
I've had two "screamers" in the past few months. The first one was panhandling as I got on the bus. Since Jay was kind enough to get me an iPod, I mostly just listen to it to drown out all the crazies. So I didn't realize at first that he had ask me for money (rather, mumbled at me for money) so I sat down in the seat across the aisle. He was dressed all in black, eyes dilated, and rather scruffy. As I sat down, I pulled out my cell phone to text Jay and let him know I was on my way to work. The dude immediately started screaming at me, "Are you calling your f*@%$in' credit card?!" over and over again. I kept ignoring him, and he finally got off a stop or two later.
The second screamer was on a trip home. I again was wearing the iPod, but the battery was dead. Nevertheless, it makes me more comfortable ignoring people when I have it on, so I was wearing it. I had sat in the first seats on the bus, near the driver, facing forward. Dude gets on, and starts an argument with the bus driver, since he does not have the fare. The drivers here are incredibly patient, and will often let you ride without fare if you give a good sob story and aren't obnoxious. While obnoxious, the guy was flashing a hospital ID bracelet and claiming to have just been discharged minus his wallet. Okay, bus driver lets him on. He sits in the seats directly in front of me, however these seats face to the side and he can turn and look at me. Which he does. He then begins a very loud rant about being forcibly admitted to the hospital, but he told "those f*@%ers he was not staying, he was leaving," etc. The story continues at the top of his lungs, profanity included, the entire time he is on the bus, which isn't long because the bus driver put him out a few stops later. A lady across the aisle then slides into the seat next to me, and all the way to my stop proceeds to complain to me about people on the bus who cannot behave, and try to make you listen to them even if you don't want to. Yes, I am still wearing my iPod...
Today's dude was at least funny. He showed up at the bus stop this morning, singing at the top of his lungs. When someone looked at him, he screamed at them, "Yeah, I know I'm off-key! I've been off-key all my life, motherf*@$er!!" He didn't get on the bus, luckily, he went into the McDonald's, still singing. I don't know if they threw him out, as the bus appeared just moments later. Always something on public transportation!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Happy 6th Anniversary!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Why we appreciate our friends...
I know that some of you may be feeling a big neglected - believe me, we feel like we have neglected many of our best friends. It has really been on my mind lately, and something that I feel terrible about. While I don't believe that there is any excuse that forgives this behavior, I hope that you all will continue to be patient with us while we get through what looks to be another overly-eventful year.
We just found out that Jay's mom has a very serious illness, as does my aunt. My family has still been struggling with the loss of my step-father and uncle, and Jay's family has been plagued with very serious health problems among other things. We have both been over-worked and overwhelmed with living 3000 miles away while all these things are going on, and adjusting to the first year of a post-doc life has not been easy for me or for my poor husband. We have been so fortunate to be able to attend the weddings this year, and see many people as they come through, but there are others who are very dear to us that we have not seen or spoken to in quite a while. Please know that we love you and think of you all very often, and hope very much that we will be back in touch soon.
I think the last three years have been the most exhausting and eventful of my entire life thus far, and things just don't seem to be slowing down!
We just found out that Jay's mom has a very serious illness, as does my aunt. My family has still been struggling with the loss of my step-father and uncle, and Jay's family has been plagued with very serious health problems among other things. We have both been over-worked and overwhelmed with living 3000 miles away while all these things are going on, and adjusting to the first year of a post-doc life has not been easy for me or for my poor husband. We have been so fortunate to be able to attend the weddings this year, and see many people as they come through, but there are others who are very dear to us that we have not seen or spoken to in quite a while. Please know that we love you and think of you all very often, and hope very much that we will be back in touch soon.
I think the last three years have been the most exhausting and eventful of my entire life thus far, and things just don't seem to be slowing down!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wine Country
There are some real perks to living in Los Angeles. (Of course, there are some real downsides too, but since we don't have much choice right now, let's focus on the positive, shall we?) Two of my favorite things involve, shockingly, food and alcohol. First, the food.
The farmer's markets here are wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Jay and I try to go at least every other weekend. And there are two within biking distance of our apartment. We can pick from an enormous variety of produce, free-range chicken eggs, homemade cheeses and breads, sausages, flowers, soaps, etc. One of our favorite stalls is that for Avila and Sons, Farms. They bring dried fruits and nuts. Have you ever had fresh almonds? We can't eat them from any store again. When we do, we look at one another sadly and lament. What generally happens is that we end up eating seasonally. Right now the stone fruits and squashes are ripening and coming to market. Soon the root vegetables will be back, and then we will begin to see the winter fruits and vegetables. The variety is just incredible. I could go on and on.
And now, the alcohol. Good god, wine country. I have found some of the California wines to be utterly stunning. We have had one trip to Napa (if you go, visit Arger-Mertucci Vineyards). About a 3 hour drive away is Santa Ynez Valley (just see the movie Sideways). We visited two weeks ago with our new friends Helen and Alias, and their toddler son Elijah. We visited Curtiss Winery and Bridlewood, then headed into Solvang for visits to the tasting rooms there. The white wines at Curtiss are Rhone varietals, and they are so delicious. We are wine club members at Bridlewood (excellent Syrahs) and at Gainey Vineyards (Riesling) and get bimonthly shipments of wine from these wineries. Now, every night involves a glass of wine and relaxing with my hubby. (Lately this also involves watching an episode of the British sitcom Greenwing. Bless Helen for introducing us to it.) Oh, the vino.... it makes even writing grants seem somewhat relaxing.
We will post some pictures of our picnic at Bridlewood once we get our computer up and running again!
The farmer's markets here are wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Jay and I try to go at least every other weekend. And there are two within biking distance of our apartment. We can pick from an enormous variety of produce, free-range chicken eggs, homemade cheeses and breads, sausages, flowers, soaps, etc. One of our favorite stalls is that for Avila and Sons, Farms. They bring dried fruits and nuts. Have you ever had fresh almonds? We can't eat them from any store again. When we do, we look at one another sadly and lament. What generally happens is that we end up eating seasonally. Right now the stone fruits and squashes are ripening and coming to market. Soon the root vegetables will be back, and then we will begin to see the winter fruits and vegetables. The variety is just incredible. I could go on and on.
And now, the alcohol. Good god, wine country. I have found some of the California wines to be utterly stunning. We have had one trip to Napa (if you go, visit Arger-Mertucci Vineyards). About a 3 hour drive away is Santa Ynez Valley (just see the movie Sideways). We visited two weeks ago with our new friends Helen and Alias, and their toddler son Elijah. We visited Curtiss Winery and Bridlewood, then headed into Solvang for visits to the tasting rooms there. The white wines at Curtiss are Rhone varietals, and they are so delicious. We are wine club members at Bridlewood (excellent Syrahs) and at Gainey Vineyards (Riesling) and get bimonthly shipments of wine from these wineries. Now, every night involves a glass of wine and relaxing with my hubby. (Lately this also involves watching an episode of the British sitcom Greenwing. Bless Helen for introducing us to it.) Oh, the vino.... it makes even writing grants seem somewhat relaxing.
We will post some pictures of our picnic at Bridlewood once we get our computer up and running again!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
A busy LA weekend
Well, we said goodbye to our last houseguest early Friday morning. I headed into the lab at 6 am (yes, you read that correctly) to finish up a hydrogenosome prep that had to be completed before 5 pm. Now, just so you know, the organism I work on produces hydrogen along with some chemicals very similar to putrescin and other nasty smelling molecules. So I spent my Friday mostly gagging. Jay headed into his job in downtown LA, and by Friday night we were exhausted. But we didn't take any time to relax, oh no, not us! We were off and running on a busy weekend full of fun stuff.
Saturday morning found us fighting the crowds at the university laundry room. We won (probably because I had Jay as backup. I've found that the annoying Russian guy won't even meet my eye when my hubby's around, much less yell at me) and got four loads of laundry washed and dried and the apartment cleaned out. Back to pre-guest status. That afternoon we headed out to Hollywood to meet Dan and Gretchen for a baseball game. We took the train to Anaheim (there is some public transportation in LA) where we had great seats for the Angels vs. Twins match-up (thanks Gretchen!!). We got back to LA at about 1 am and I got my first view of Sunset Strip at night, as it is meant to be seen. The place was packed, the lines for the Rainbow Room and Whiskey-a-Go-Go were around the block. There were huge limos everywhere, and probably lots of famous people whom I would never recognize. We also passed a private bash in Bel Air that, as it turns out, was attended by such as Christina Aguilera that night. Sadly, we couldn't even sneak in through the back servant gate :(. I guess post-doc status does not immediately mean you are A-list.
The next morning we missed the farmer's market so we could go to the California ScienCenter. The ScienCenter is currently hosting BodyWorld3, and it is leaving soon. I have wanted to see this exhibit since I first heard of it. For those of you who may not know, it is an exhibit of plastinated human bodies. Yes, real human bodies. All the bodies on display were donated with this knowledge. Many people find this disturbing, because they are posed. In this exhibit, most were posed as atheletes of some type, either acrobats or gymnasts. The exhibit hall was absoutely packed with people. I loved the exhibit and found it fascinating. Not surprisingly, I was especially interested in the exhibits that showed the diseased states. I would be really curious to see specimans that contained parasites, but I imagine the ick factor involved in that would really turn off the public. At any rate, we both enjoyed it, and I personally thought that the bodies were treated in a very artistic and non-degrading fashion and had no problem with any of the ethical concerns that others have brought up. In fact, I recommend it to anyone who wants to be inspired to take care of yourself. I felt so encouraged to take care of this fascinating body that we all have.
Afterwards we went home and absolutely collapsed on the sofa. We're exhausted and ready to get back to what passes for normal around us.
Saturday morning found us fighting the crowds at the university laundry room. We won (probably because I had Jay as backup. I've found that the annoying Russian guy won't even meet my eye when my hubby's around, much less yell at me) and got four loads of laundry washed and dried and the apartment cleaned out. Back to pre-guest status. That afternoon we headed out to Hollywood to meet Dan and Gretchen for a baseball game. We took the train to Anaheim (there is some public transportation in LA) where we had great seats for the Angels vs. Twins match-up (thanks Gretchen!!). We got back to LA at about 1 am and I got my first view of Sunset Strip at night, as it is meant to be seen. The place was packed, the lines for the Rainbow Room and Whiskey-a-Go-Go were around the block. There were huge limos everywhere, and probably lots of famous people whom I would never recognize. We also passed a private bash in Bel Air that, as it turns out, was attended by such as Christina Aguilera that night. Sadly, we couldn't even sneak in through the back servant gate :(. I guess post-doc status does not immediately mean you are A-list.
The next morning we missed the farmer's market so we could go to the California ScienCenter. The ScienCenter is currently hosting BodyWorld3, and it is leaving soon. I have wanted to see this exhibit since I first heard of it. For those of you who may not know, it is an exhibit of plastinated human bodies. Yes, real human bodies. All the bodies on display were donated with this knowledge. Many people find this disturbing, because they are posed. In this exhibit, most were posed as atheletes of some type, either acrobats or gymnasts. The exhibit hall was absoutely packed with people. I loved the exhibit and found it fascinating. Not surprisingly, I was especially interested in the exhibits that showed the diseased states. I would be really curious to see specimans that contained parasites, but I imagine the ick factor involved in that would really turn off the public. At any rate, we both enjoyed it, and I personally thought that the bodies were treated in a very artistic and non-degrading fashion and had no problem with any of the ethical concerns that others have brought up. In fact, I recommend it to anyone who wants to be inspired to take care of yourself. I felt so encouraged to take care of this fascinating body that we all have.
Afterwards we went home and absolutely collapsed on the sofa. We're exhausted and ready to get back to what passes for normal around us.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Yeah, I know. It's been almost two months...
So we have been busy, okay?
Since the last post April has been back to the MBL for a week to set up BOP, and I was there for a couple of days. July 4th weekend was pretty lazy, one day at the beach in Malibu, bust mostly just sleeping late and doing nothing. We have also been up to the Bay Area for Mike Cipriano and Rose Mill's wedding (it was great fun) and a day in Napa with Shanda and Patrick (also tremendous fun, we will be back!)
I have taken many photos, and I will get them online this week. Next week will be very busy, my brother flies in from Texas on Thursday for the weekend, his daughter gets here from Montana on Friday, and she will be here all next week!
More to come...
Since the last post April has been back to the MBL for a week to set up BOP, and I was there for a couple of days. July 4th weekend was pretty lazy, one day at the beach in Malibu, bust mostly just sleeping late and doing nothing. We have also been up to the Bay Area for Mike Cipriano and Rose Mill's wedding (it was great fun) and a day in Napa with Shanda and Patrick (also tremendous fun, we will be back!)
I have taken many photos, and I will get them online this week. Next week will be very busy, my brother flies in from Texas on Thursday for the weekend, his daughter gets here from Montana on Friday, and she will be here all next week!
More to come...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Pictures From Yosemite
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From Birds |
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From Yosemite May ... |
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From Yosemite May ... |
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From Yosemite May ... |
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From Yosemite May ... |
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From Yosemite May ... |
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From Yosemite May ... |
More to come!
Monday, June 9, 2008
I'm gonna get a cool scar from this one!!!
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From Rob visit 2008 |
From mountain Biking in Topanga Canyon with Robert. It goes all the way up my leg and my hip, too! You can't really see it on my leg because it's covered with dirt...
More Pretty
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From Scenic Landsc... |
If you notice the kinda diamond-shaped bands of color around the sun, it's a chain-link fence that I was shooting through. click on the link to see the album where there is a pic of the fence.
Aww, Nuts!
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From Rob visit 2008 |
A funny piece of trivia: The QM moved more than 750,000 military personnel during WWII. Her speed and capacity are, in many ways, still unmatched to this day. There are many people that are convinced that without the QM's ability to move Service men and women, that WWII may have lasted several more years and cost countless more lives. She served as an ocean liner for two more decades after WWII.
However, when Cunard, the company that owned the QM was looking to retire her from service and exploring their options from potential buyers, there was only one British company that even made a bid to purchase her. And they were going to disassemble her and sell her for scrap.
So much for nostalgia, eh? Or even a sense of historical importance...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Year of West Coast Weddings
I just want to say that it is very convenient that we moved to Southern California just before everyone decided to get married out here! We are very indebted to our friends for throwing such fabulous parties and giving us great reasons to get out of LA and travel.
Firstly, a big thanks to Luc and Melissa for kicking things off (and setting a hell of a high bar) with their gorgeous beach-front wedding on Isla Holbox in Mexico. We had a wonderful time exploring the Yucatan Peninsula.
Secondly, thanks to our newest newlyweds Rachel and Mike. Their nuptials at Yosemite led us to the park for the first time. What a beautiful place to be married! Again, we had a really good time.
And next up, Mike and Rose who are getting married just outside of San Francisco. We would've been up to visit anyway, but thanks for speeding things along! We are looking forward to exploring the Napa/Sonoma Valley wineries and celebrating your big day.
We are really happy that we will be able to have shared these special times with you, and that may not have been the case if we hadn't decided to head out this way! Just think of the airfare and wedding gifts alone.
Firstly, a big thanks to Luc and Melissa for kicking things off (and setting a hell of a high bar) with their gorgeous beach-front wedding on Isla Holbox in Mexico. We had a wonderful time exploring the Yucatan Peninsula.
Secondly, thanks to our newest newlyweds Rachel and Mike. Their nuptials at Yosemite led us to the park for the first time. What a beautiful place to be married! Again, we had a really good time.
And next up, Mike and Rose who are getting married just outside of San Francisco. We would've been up to visit anyway, but thanks for speeding things along! We are looking forward to exploring the Napa/Sonoma Valley wineries and celebrating your big day.
We are really happy that we will be able to have shared these special times with you, and that may not have been the case if we hadn't decided to head out this way! Just think of the airfare and wedding gifts alone.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Yosemite, First Impression
So it was 40-50 degrees and raining all day today, and the clouds were hanging low ang gray overhead.
But this is still one of the most breathtaking places that I have ever seen.
More to come, with pics.
So it was 40-50 degrees and raining all day today, and the clouds were hanging low ang gray overhead.
But this is still one of the most breathtaking places that I have ever seen.
More to come, with pics.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Wedding pics (finally)
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From Melissa Luc W... |
Sunday, May 11, 2008
It's been a while...
Since our last post, I have spent a lot of time in photoshop working on the photos for Luc and Melissa's wedding. The whole experience in Mexico was great, and it was a lot of fun being able to take the photos for their wedding. Luc set up an FTP site, and it took several days to upload all 12gb of photos that I took, and Melissa said it took them quite a long time to go through them all!!! But I think that they were pleased with them. I hope to post a couple online this week sometime.
April and I just got our new bikes, and went to Topanga Canyon State Park yesterday for a 2-hour ride in the mountains. It was really challenging, but at the end of the trail, you have an AMAZING view of the Pacific Ocean from the top of the Santa Monica Mountains. It was really hazy, and I left my camera in the car, so you will have to wait till next time for pics.
Now that we have bikes (compliments of my employer!), we are riding them everywhere, and it will really cut down on how much driving we do, esp. on the weekends. It's really easy to get around on our side of town on a bike.
Anyhow, more to come, with some pics. I am sure that April has some "crazy bus people" stories to post.
April and I just got our new bikes, and went to Topanga Canyon State Park yesterday for a 2-hour ride in the mountains. It was really challenging, but at the end of the trail, you have an AMAZING view of the Pacific Ocean from the top of the Santa Monica Mountains. It was really hazy, and I left my camera in the car, so you will have to wait till next time for pics.
Now that we have bikes (compliments of my employer!), we are riding them everywhere, and it will really cut down on how much driving we do, esp. on the weekends. It's really easy to get around on our side of town on a bike.
Anyhow, more to come, with some pics. I am sure that April has some "crazy bus people" stories to post.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Chicken Pizza?
April and I are back from Mexico, and we had a fantastic time. The scenery was amazing, Holbox was a sleeply little island, and Luc and Melissa's wedding was perfect.
Above is El Castillo at Chichen Itza, an amazingly worthwhile place to go see. It would be worth flying to Cancun for a weekend just to go see this place, and I was told that there are several other sites that are must-see. Anyhow, I took about 900 photos, and I will be very busy editing the wedding photos for Luc and Melissa so that they are ready when they return to the states. I'll share a couple here for you to see.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Coming Soon...
We have just returned from the Yucatan and will have an update of our trip up soon, as well as new photos uploaded to my photo site.
I will say that we had a fantastic time, Melissa and Luc's wedding was amazing, and I took close to a thousand pictures...
I will say that we had a fantastic time, Melissa and Luc's wedding was amazing, and I took close to a thousand pictures...
Monday, March 24, 2008
Who needs Italy?
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From Scenic Landsc... |
For those of you that don't already know, Venice California, home to the famous Muscle Beach, was actually originally named for it's sister city in Italy. A very wealthy man purchased the current site of the city, and after considerable excavation, managed to create a series of canals and waterways similar to its namesake.
Alas, it was a big disaster. Nobody wanted to live there, and the mosquitoes were pretty bad. By the 50's most of it was filled in, and the area went downhill pretty quickly.
However, this story has a happy ending. A few years ago (don't know how many) the canals underwent extensive renovations, and about 3 miles of them are open now, and they are lined with million dollar homes about the size of a Volkswagen Van.
Seriously, it's pretty cool to see, and if you find yourself in LA, it's a top-5 thing to see as it's walking distance from Venice beach.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Lewd Behavior

We Spent Valentines Day weekend on the Central Coast, north of LA, in Santa Ynez, and in Santa Barbara.
This Girraffe from the Santa Barbara Zoo was feelin' the love...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Sorry for the delay in posting, guys. We are having some internet problems at home, hopefully those will be sorted out soon. I am busy writing fellowships, and Jason is busy selling office equipment. We will hopefully have a post up soon about our first trip to Griffith Park here in LA, as well as our recent trip to Solvang, CA in the Santa Ynez Valley. Our big exciting news is that we are planning a trip to Isla Holbox in Mexico for the upcoming wedding of our friends Melissa Lerch and Luc Rainville. We are so excited that we are going to be there to share this incredible time with them!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Adventures from the Bus
The sunshine has returned! I am so pleased to see the sun streaming in through our blinds in the lab. We have fabulous full-length windows to take advantage of the lovely southern California sunshine, that all of Los Angeles has been missing lately.
This also seemed to stimulate the crazies, particularly those that ride the bus. I will have to do a longer post sometime on some of my earlier adventures that include such notable characters as "please-part-my-hair" man and the spitting girl. Today's adventure involved Mr. "I'm on something really scary right now" Man. I got on the very crowded Culver City 6 bus, hoping to make it in time for the Monday 9am meeting. I noticed that this guy was staring at me, which caught my attention because most people don't even seem to notice my existence. Lo and behold, as the bus empties, the only available seat is next to him. I sit down. He says, "Hi. I'm starting my first day at my new job today. It's running servers. Linux servers. For a .com. I don't have a degree or anything, I've just been doing this for a few years. I'm not into the whole, you know, classroom scene." Or a close approximation thereof. He asks if I am going to work, (I am), where do I work (UCLA), are you a teacher (no, a scientist), what kind of scientist (biochemist). Now, here's where things went down the road to psychodelicdom. He asks if I invent drugs, like psychodelics, cause he likes them, but they FREAK him out. They are really scary. But he likes them. He has never once met my eyes, and now he's starting to get really animated. I freaked and got off at the next stop, wishing him luck on his first day...
This also seemed to stimulate the crazies, particularly those that ride the bus. I will have to do a longer post sometime on some of my earlier adventures that include such notable characters as "please-part-my-hair" man and the spitting girl. Today's adventure involved Mr. "I'm on something really scary right now" Man. I got on the very crowded Culver City 6 bus, hoping to make it in time for the Monday 9am meeting. I noticed that this guy was staring at me, which caught my attention because most people don't even seem to notice my existence. Lo and behold, as the bus empties, the only available seat is next to him. I sit down. He says, "Hi. I'm starting my first day at my new job today. It's running servers. Linux servers. For a .com. I don't have a degree or anything, I've just been doing this for a few years. I'm not into the whole, you know, classroom scene." Or a close approximation thereof. He asks if I am going to work, (I am), where do I work (UCLA), are you a teacher (no, a scientist), what kind of scientist (biochemist). Now, here's where things went down the road to psychodelicdom. He asks if I invent drugs, like psychodelics, cause he likes them, but they FREAK him out. They are really scary. But he likes them. He has never once met my eyes, and now he's starting to get really animated. I freaked and got off at the next stop, wishing him luck on his first day...
Friday, January 25, 2008
Bad Weather Goddess?
I'm beginning to feel a little suspicious. I recall that in Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, there was a rain god who did not know that he was in fact a rain god. He just spent his entire life miserable, being followed by adoring clouds of rain.
I have noticed that every time I move somewhere, the weather goes straight to hell. I recall Cape Cod setting both snow and low temperature records while I was present. I visited Alabama just in time to experience the first snow storm in close to a decade. And now the weather in normally impervious-to-all-things-unsunny Southern California has turned cold, wet, and dreary.
So, my guess is that I'm a lightning rod for bad weather (pardon the pun) or perhaps Meow has some sort of cat power to conjure up good feline snuggle weather... maybe the Egyptians were right about the cats....
I have noticed that every time I move somewhere, the weather goes straight to hell. I recall Cape Cod setting both snow and low temperature records while I was present. I visited Alabama just in time to experience the first snow storm in close to a decade. And now the weather in normally impervious-to-all-things-unsunny Southern California has turned cold, wet, and dreary.
So, my guess is that I'm a lightning rod for bad weather (pardon the pun) or perhaps Meow has some sort of cat power to conjure up good feline snuggle weather... maybe the Egyptians were right about the cats....
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I love Photoshop!
I spent about 3 hours using photoshop to merge 6 photos together to create the panorama above. I am going to print it out and put it in at 32" wide frame. I wanted to make it 4 feet high and 12 feet long but April reminded me that we don't have a wall big enough.
Oh well...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Rest in Peace Ernie Cockrum

Ernest (Ernie) Cockrum, April's Great Uncle, died due to complications from Heart Surgery friday. Uncle Ernie was 75 years old, and he will be greatly missed. He is survived by his wife, Fay, who is April's grandmother's twin sister.
April will be traveling to Alabama for a few days to help her Aunt in her time of need. Please keep April and Aunt Faye in your thoughts as they deal with this great loss.
Funeral arrangements have not been announced at this time.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year
A very happy 2008 to all our friends and family. We are hopeful that 2008 will be a much less eventful year for us than 2007 has been! We send all of you our best wishes for a safe, happy, and prosperous new year. We miss and love you all.
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