Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tales from the bus, part deux

We have had a lazy few weeks, not doing much besides working and cleaning the apartment. The fires are again quite bad, but we are out of harm's way. Besides all the smoke in the air and trying to help those who were affected, we have not had any problems. So I thought I would give you another sampling of bus stories.

I've had two "screamers" in the past few months. The first one was panhandling as I got on the bus. Since Jay was kind enough to get me an iPod, I mostly just listen to it to drown out all the crazies. So I didn't realize at first that he had ask me for money (rather, mumbled at me for money) so I sat down in the seat across the aisle. He was dressed all in black, eyes dilated, and rather scruffy. As I sat down, I pulled out my cell phone to text Jay and let him know I was on my way to work. The dude immediately started screaming at me, "Are you calling your f*@%$in' credit card?!" over and over again. I kept ignoring him, and he finally got off a stop or two later.

The second screamer was on a trip home. I again was wearing the iPod, but the battery was dead. Nevertheless, it makes me more comfortable ignoring people when I have it on, so I was wearing it. I had sat in the first seats on the bus, near the driver, facing forward. Dude gets on, and starts an argument with the bus driver, since he does not have the fare. The drivers here are incredibly patient, and will often let you ride without fare if you give a good sob story and aren't obnoxious. While obnoxious, the guy was flashing a hospital ID bracelet and claiming to have just been discharged minus his wallet. Okay, bus driver lets him on. He sits in the seats directly in front of me, however these seats face to the side and he can turn and look at me. Which he does. He then begins a very loud rant about being forcibly admitted to the hospital, but he told "those f*@%ers he was not staying, he was leaving," etc. The story continues at the top of his lungs, profanity included, the entire time he is on the bus, which isn't long because the bus driver put him out a few stops later. A lady across the aisle then slides into the seat next to me, and all the way to my stop proceeds to complain to me about people on the bus who cannot behave, and try to make you listen to them even if you don't want to. Yes, I am still wearing my iPod...

Today's dude was at least funny. He showed up at the bus stop this morning, singing at the top of his lungs. When someone looked at him, he screamed at them, "Yeah, I know I'm off-key! I've been off-key all my life, motherf*@$er!!" He didn't get on the bus, luckily, he went into the McDonald's, still singing. I don't know if they threw him out, as the bus appeared just moments later. Always something on public transportation!


kate said...

being on the bus in edinburgh with the crazies is one of my favorite things...you can't help but look, and then giggle on the inside a little...

don't worry, i do that with my ipod too...there are always canvassers on the strees and so i put in the ipod and look down...they seriously stress me out. haha

Tony said...

When I was going to my initial fire training in Texas, I had a lady, who got onto the plane in Dallas, sitting next to me. I like to sleep on my flights. I specifically request window seats so that I can rest my head on the aircraft bulkhead during the flight. This lady WOULD NOT SHUT UP!!! Finally, as we're approaching our destination, I can see the school that I'm going to be attending, and, lo and behold, they are doing live fire aircraft burns. Me, being the nice, un-avenging person that I am, point the burning aircraft out to the lady next to me and say "Oh my GOD!!! That plane is on fire!!!". I was asked to move to the back of the plane...