Sunday, November 22, 2009

Long time, no post... sorry! Things have been busy, busy, busy around our Los Angeles casa. I'm writing a review article, a major draft of which is due on Wednesday. And Jay just can't be bothered to post. So we'll be back after Thanksgiving, with more pictures and exciting stories about how much we work. Till then, I leave you with this recent exchange:

Scene: Our living room, watching the AMAs. Enter Meow stage left. She starts crying and staring at the couch.

April: Meow, stop it. Just get up here!

Meow: Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!

April: (Patting sofa) Meow, get on the couch if you want to!

Meow: Meow! Meow! (Hops up on sofa and curls up next to April.)

April: I don't understand why she has to be invited up on the sofa every time she wants to sit with me. She's a cat. Why doesn't she just get up here?

Jason: She's a vampire. She has to be invited. I don't understand why you never see the obvious.

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