Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Got Wood?

Petrified Forest National Park was formed when volcanic ash buried these trees about 10,000 years back ,and the silica in the ash replaced the organic material as the wood decayed. This process took several millinea and a lack of oxygen to create the petrified wood we see today.

For those of you that have never seen petrified wood up close, it's amazing stuff. You see a tree with bark and rings and knots, and then you touch it and it's stone. It really just looks like a tree that has been fallen for a long, long time. That is, until they cut it up into pieces and polish it, then it looks like what it is- a tree that has turned to mineral!

Did you know that petrified wood has been found in every single state and Canada? See, you got wood too!

And you thought I was being dirty when you read the title...

Shame on you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I knew you knew we had wood all along.