Thursday, August 23, 2012

My passion for writing, love of investing, and something cool I'm getting paid to do!

I know.

Two posts in one week?  We don't seem to make the time to do that very often, do we?  Especially when you consider that the post April just did was from our trip in JULY...

Anyhow, this will be quick.  Many of you know that I love to write, and that one of these days I plan to retire and be a writer.  Well, April has insisted that if I am to do that, we need to be rich.  So I have been actively investing for the past 5 years or so, and have really become quite passionate about it.  The bottom line it that for most of us, the only way we can have the promise of a better tomorrow is by long-term investing.

So with that said, I have recently begun writing blog posts for the Motley Fool.  For those that aren't familiar with, it's one of the best places to go to learn about investing as an individual.  It's all about empowering people to take their financial future in their own hands. 

At any rate, I have been an active member of a couple of the services that they offer (specifically Stock Advisor and Rule Breakers) for about 5 years, and it has really enriched our lives, and allowed us to make up for lost time towards our retirement plans. 

And while picking your own stocks and investing directly in them isn't for everyone, understanding if you are heading down the right path is for everyone.  And while Financial Advisors aren't necessarily bad people by nature, most people don't know that they are just sales people first, and that their interests aren't necessarily aligned with yours.  Doing your due-diligence and understanding where your 401(k) money is invested and why you are being recommended specific Investment Funds by Financial Advisor is just as important as questioning your Physician about your health, and the prescriptions that he gives you.  This is your future.  Don't just leave it up to a sales person. 

Okay, so I am really starting to ramble.  Check out my blog.  My goal is to post at least once per week, and increase over time. 

If any of you want to talk investing, please reach out to me.  I'm not an expert, and I'm not going to tell you which stocks to buy.  But I can tell you where to start!


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