Jay and I have been busy bees, and it's only December 2nd. We've gotten most of our Christmas shopping wrapped up, our annual Swiss Colony order has been placed, and we are doing our holiday cards this weekend. We're also hosting a Holiday Happening cocktail party this month with our friends here in Los Angeles.
Since we've been so busy, we decided to order dinner in tonight. We had sushi and watched an episode of the muppet show, as you can see.
This is one of our favorite ways to relax. Good food delivered to our door or picked up on our way home, giving ourselves a rare day off in the kitchen. Jay is an excellent cook, and I am passable. Every week we make our menu and buy our groceries. This is a great way both to eat healthfully, as well as to keep within our food budget. We save a lot of money by eating at home, and we rarely eat out. Cooking together is a great way to connect at the end of our busy days apart. But sometime we just want
If you ever get a chance to drink in Canada, I highly recommend several wineries in the Niagara Valley, and you should especially try the ice wines. I would love Jo and Drew just for introducing me to ice wine, but I love them for many other reasons besides. And now you all know that I get sappy when I drink.
My liver hurts just thinking of you guys.
That sounds like a fine evening. The Muppet Show theme song is my ringtone on my phone. :-)
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