We ran another 5K this weekend, our second one so far. We have a goal to finish at least 2 more 5K this year, and do at least one 10K. Today's 5K was to benefit the Mattel Children's Hospital here at UCLA. It was conveniently located on campus, but we had to be there before 7 am; hence the grumpy expressions! We did a great job running the course, right up until the end when I got a bit ill from not eating anything before the race. Doh! The celebrity host was Dakota Fanning. We saw her, but didn't take any pics. Sorry celebrity watchers; living in LA has made us cynical I guess.
That's awesome. Congrats!
I used to entertain thoughts of running a 5K until I realized that I *hate* to run, but I am still a bit envious of those who do. ;-)
I've always held a special place in my heart for those that run that far on purpose...Having run a few 5k's myself (after being ordered to), I have nothing but respect for ya :)
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