The waiter came over, we placed our order, and as he turned to walk away, April stops him and says, "Can we also get the Chapulines?" The waiter gave her a funny look, but nodded and wrote the item down on our order.
When the waiter walked away, I asked April if she ordered what I thought she ordered.
"No way," she said. But Chapulines sounded familiar, I remember seeing the word on the menu.
It turns out that it WAS what I thought it was:

I immediately dug in and made a cricket taco, dousing them with hot sauce. April didn't believe that they were really grasshoppers, and in all honesty, if you kinda squint and look at them out of the corner of your eyes, it almost looks like a plate of chopped up grilled chicken.
It wasn't.
I managed to eat an entire taco of the little critters, and the taste was not that bad.
The problem was the texture. Every time I crunched on a leg, which was every single bite, it was painfully obvious that I was eating something with an exoskeleton and a lot of little legs.
If it wasn't for that, I would have had no problem eating more. But my Anglo-European blood just couldn't get over the fact that I was eatin' freakin' grasshoppers!
On to April...
SHE WAS MORTIFIED when I finally got her to look close enough at the plate to realize that she did in fact order up a big-ass plate-o-bugs for our appetizer!
But I will give her credit. She tried them as well, managing a single bite before letting the mortification at what she was eating get the best of her. Luckily our dinner came out almost immediately and we could turn away from the bugs and eatt some real food, like the goat burrito that I ordered, and the Banana-leaf wrapped chicken in chocolate mole' sauce that April ordered.
And it was pretty good.
I enjoyed trying something that I ordinarily would not have considered, and April learned to not order things off a menu in a lanquage that you do not understand Without asking,
Oh my god that is funny. Talk about culture shock!
One word....Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
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