This holiday season is looking to be one of the busiest yet - and yes, I know I say that every year! I have my Christmas spreadsheet updated, but until I get this fellowship off my desk at work and submitted, I will feel like I am treading water, barely keeping my head above the surface. To help get me into the Christmas spirit, Jay and I decorated our apartment this weekend. For the last few years we have not had a Christmas tree. Jay has always wanted a live tree, and I've always been much too practical to consider it. I decided to give in this year and see how it goes. Meow has calmed down considerably since her kittenhood, and so is unlikely to knock the tree over and break every ornament (this is what she did her first Christmas). So on Sunday we trekked out to the Home Depot tree lot and picked out a 7 foot Noble fir. We tied it to the top of Subaru in the falling rain and drove home, where Jay trimmed off the extraneous branches and we got it into the apartment. We drank eggnog and played Christmas carols while we hung our ornaments and lights, and put out my growing nutcracker collection. We collect ornaments during our travels so that we can reminisce about our trips and happy memories while we trim the tree. Here's Jay in the midst of draping the lights, complete with eggnog in hand!

And here is our nutcracker collection.

Our stockings are hung, our advent tree is filled with chocolates, we have lights in our windows, and snowglobes and holiday tins line our book shelves. Now all I have to do is finish the Christmas cards, buy all the gifts and wrap them, and get them in the mail! At least I have this lovely tree to keep me motivated and in the spirit.