Tuesday, August 10, 2010

IKON Company Picnic

This has been a terrible posting year. I realized today when I got an email telling us how many times we get clicked that no one has been reading... well, that may be because I've not been writing! I've been working a lot, and I kept feeling that I should post pictures of our Europe trip before I did anything else. Well, lots of things have happened since Europe, and while I am planning on getting those pictures posted (check back this weekend), I thought I'd let you see what has been happening in the meantime.

This weekend we worked a LOT. Not just at the lab for me, but also on sorting through our pictures from Europe, selecting, printing, and framing a few for the living room. I've also been trying to get my journals up to date, and work on AWIS events. Also on Sunday the IKON company picnic was held at El Dorado Park West in Long Beach. The day started with a softball game, LA people vs. Irvine people. LA lost, but Jay managed to get some softball time in. He even slid into 2nd base and was FILTHY. He loved it! The picture below is Jay on 1st, right before the big slide.

We then headed over to the picnic area where everyone was lining up for yummy picnic food. I miss grilling out, so I was very excited to get my hands on both a burger and a hotdog. There was also potato salad, watermelon, chips, drinks, brownies and cookies. Yum!

It was great, because the sun actually showed itself. This has been an especially cold and gloomy summer here in SoCal, with the temps remaining in the 60s and the marine layer hanging on throughout the day. Meow and I really miss the sunshine! Poor kitty was so cold this weekend that she cried until I made her a nest and tucked her into bed. This is where she stayed while we were enjoying the picnic.
Notice the pale pink ears and nose. It's a good way to judge her temperature. When she's freezing they are pale white, and as she warms up she gets pinker. So she's finally getting comfortable when I took this shot.